Find Which PHP Application is sending mail from Linux Box
Add the follwing line in php.ini
sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/sendmail-php -t -i
Create a shell script file in /usr/local/bin/sendmail-php and paste the following code in this file
Add the follwing line in php.ini
sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/sendmail-php -t -i
Create a shell script file in /usr/local/bin/sendmail-php and paste the following code in this file
logger -p sendmail-php: site=${HTTP_HOST}, client=${REMOTE_ADDR}, script=${SCRIPT_NAME}, filename=${SCRIPT_FILENAME}, docroot=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}, pwd=${PWD}, uid=${UID}, user=$(whoami)
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i $*
restart the apache server
and view the apache error log using
#tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log